I'm Back

Well, looks like I spaced for more than 7 months. I shall give no excuses cause it's a proven fact that my memory is hopeless when it comes to such things. Well, let's see.... quite a bit has happen since I last posted, where to start, where to start. Let's see, I made new friends, missing with old friends, lost an old look and gained new confidence. All in all, feelin' great and ready to tackle what's ahead.
Here's a quick go through of recent events:
April: Warded in hospital. > 1st trimming of skin flap.
May: reentered ACMS to continue Pre-Med. > Made plenty of new friends. > Enjoyed myself.
June: Chillin'
July: Still Chillin'
1st half of August: Study (a bit) > Exam > End of Pre-Med.
2nd half of August: Warded in hospital. > Final trimming of Skin flap.
September: Preparing for trip to Russia. -A hell lot of shopping. > Meeting old friends (felt great).> Trip to Russia (23 Sep) - meeting more new friends. > Arrival in Russia (24 Sep)
October: Life in Volgograd. > Here's where things are now

Now, what to say next........
Well, Volgograd is a very B-E-A-Utiful city (but the airport was quite a let down.) Anyways, I've been here for a month now and I can safely say that I have never in my life seen a city quite like this one. It's quite a big city, 100km long but bout' 5 km wide with a population of bout 1.3 million.
Now for another quick run thru, this time on my life here.

1st week: Touchdown in Volgograd Airport. Believe me when I say that this airport leave a lot to be desired and it does not do the city justice. Why? one may ask. Well the city itself is advanced enough in terms of tech but when you land in the airport, you'll feel like you just landed in a third world country with only the most basic of facilities but once you leave the airport, it's a whole different story. Once out of the airport, we were greeted with a beautiful view of trees with golden leaves. Oh yeah, the temperature was awesome. It was nice and cool like in a air-con room. On the next day, we were treated to a quick tour of the city. I won't bother talking about the tour because I just do not have the words for it, you can check out some of the highlights of the tour in my Facebook profile. The days after that were rather uneventful except for the usual hassle of getting into a new Uni.

2nd week: This week is actually rather uneventful too. Classes have started and we have only two subjects - Russian and Chemistry (for two months, haiz......). Russian's both interesting and a serious pain in the a*** all at the same time. We have 2 Russian teachers, one is great and the other is....uh....uhm...uhh.... well, is there a more polite word for b*t*h? I also have mixed feeling for chemistry. Lecture felt like a marathon, the lecturer speaks fast but not well so some of the words she says becomes unintelligible. The lecturer for our practical part was pretty good and her English sounds a lot more normal.

3rd week: This week is completely uneventful. Getting used the city now.

4th week: Things are starting to get cooler now and its not so refreshing anymore. Got a new chemistry lecturer for a new chapter. This new lecturer seems to be hated by 90% of the seniors I asked and after attending her lecture, I can understand why. She strikes me as a sadist because she seems to enjoy giving out punishments as she laughs when she does so. By the way, the way she speaks English is unusual and its kinda hard to understand what she means.

5th week: I got my first taste of negative temperature. Man, was it cold. Walking out the hostel felt like walking into a freezer but other than that it's still a uneventful week so far.

That's it this time from this lazy blogger. More chronicles in Volgograd next time.

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